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serial port programming using C# on dotnet platform for absolute beginner


In this tutorial, you will learn to program the Serial Port (USB Virtual COM port) of a Windows PC using C# (Csharp) on the .NET platform

Here we will create a simple C# program that will transmit and receive data to an Arduino connected to your PC's Virtual COM Port (SerialPort)  using C# language.

This tutorial is aimed at beginners who wants to learn how to interface embedded system like Arduino boards, USB Data Acquisition Systems etc. to a Windows PC Serial Port using C# language.

command line serial port programming using C# on .net 7 for beginner embedded engineers 

Source Codes for our C# serial port programming code is available on GitHub under opensource license (link below).

The codes in the tutorial supports both 

  1. the latest .NET Platform (.NET Core 3.x to .NET 7, .NET 8 )
  2. and the legacy .NET framework Versions 4.5/4.8




Source Codes

All  the C# source codes  for serial communication can be downloaded from our GitHub repo using the below links


IDE's used

serial port programming using dotnet platform for beginners


  • Here we will be using Visual Studio Community edition to code our C# part 

  • and Arduino IDE to write our Microcontroller side code in Arduino C  . 

Both can be downloaded from their respective website's free of charge.  

You can also use the cross platform  .NET SDK CLI to code the C# section too. If you are new to .NET SDK CLI edition do check our tutorial.


Creating a Visual Studio Project 

With the release of the Open source Cross platform .NET Platform framework which contains the following versions .NET Core 3.x,.NET 5,to .NET 8,.NET 9 it becomes possible to support cross platform applications that runs on Linux and Mac OS X. Now we can use the same code base to create serial port applications that run on Windows ,Linux and MacOS X provided you do not use the WinForms or WPF GUI elements.

The Legacy .NET Framework still exists alongside with the modern .NET Platform on your Windows PC  and is possible to create applications that use the Legacy .NET framework.


This is reflected in the project types provided by the Visual Studio Which allows you to create a 

  1. a .NET Platform Project that targets the latest .NET version (eg .NET 8 or .NET9)

  2. a Legacy .NET Framework Project that targets .NET Framework 4.7/4.8 versions


Here we will teach you to create both project types and explain the subtle difference between them.

When we open the "Create Project Dialogue "in the Visual Studio You will be presented with two project options as shown below. Do adjust the filters at the top to C#, Windows, Console


creating a visual studio project for serial port programming using C# tutorial

The top one high lighted in Blue is the Cross platform  .NET Platform Project while the one below in Red is the Legacy .NET framework version.


Creating a legacy .NET framework Serial Port Project 

To create a legacy C# Serial Port Project that targets the .NET Framework ,Select the Project type high lighted in RED, Console App(.NET Framework) in the above image⇑.

This will bring up the Configure Page shown below.

selecting .NET framework versions for your serial port program

Here  you can select .NET framework version your Program wants to use under framework. You  can complete the setup and start programming.

Since we are using the .NET framework  that already is installed by default on all Windows PC's ( Windows 10,Windows 11), there is no need to install the System.IO.Ports namespace using Nuget Package manager.

 You can just include the reference and start programming as shown in the below image.

intellisense showing is already installed on your VS project and is ready to develop your serial port based application using C# on .NET



Creating a Cross platform .NET Platform COM Port Project 


To develop for the cross platform .NET Platform select the the project type high lighted in the below image.

Creating a Cross platform .NET Platform Serial Port Project


Then in the Additional information dialogue select the .NET version you want to use, below image.

selecting the long term support version of .NET platform for your serial port logging program written in C#


Please note that in this .NET  project type, System.IO.Ports is not available by default .

You will have to install the package using NuGet Package manager as shown in the section below.


Installing System.IO.Ports Namespace 

To access the classes and properties needed for accessing the serial port device using the .NET platform, we need to install the System.IO.Ports namespace.

System.IO.Ports contains classes for accessing  and controlling serial ports. The class SerialPort  provides a framework for synchronous and event-driven I/O, access to pin and break states of the virtual serial port.

We can use the NuGet Package Manager present in the Visual Studio Community Edition IDE to install the System.IO.Ports namespace. 

You can find it under  Tools -> "Nuget Package Manager" ->"Manage NuGet Packages for Solution" as shown below

installing library for serial port programming using C#

installing namespace using nuget package manager


.NET SDK CLI users

If you are using the .NET SDK Command line tools you can install the System.IO.Ports namespace by issuing the following command inside your project folder.

dotnet add package System.IO.Ports 

this will install the latest stable version of the library.


Hardware Connections between Arduino & PC

Here we are going to demonstrate a Serial Communication between an embedded device like Arduino and a Windows PC using Serial Port (COM port).Our C# Code, running on the Windows PC will read and write data to the attached serial port using API's provided by the SerialPort class of the System.IO.Ports namespace.

Basic hardware connections for serial communication between PC and Arduino UNO are shown below.

hardware connections for serial port communication between Arduino and windows Pc using C#


Here the serial signal lines TX and RX from the microcontroller ATmega328P are connected to a ATmega32u4 microcontroller which acts as a USB to serial Converter. 

Arduino USB port is connected to the PC's USB port .The USB signals send by the Arduino are then received by a Virtual Serial Port (Virtual COM Port ) driver inside the Windows PC. 

Our C# Code communicates with that Virtual Serial Port and the data is displayed on the console.


Identifying COM Port Number on Windows

Arduino presents itself as a Virtual COM port to the Windows PC .

if you connect the Arduino to the PC and check under Ports in the Device Manager of our PC. You can find the COM port number corresponding to your Arduino.


identifying the com port number in windows for serial communication


Here the COM port  number is shown as COM3.This number may be different in your PC 


Connecting a Bare Microcontroller with a PC using C#


In the above example, we were using an Arduino with a built in USB Controller (ATmega32u4).

As an embedded engineer you may have to interface with microcontrollers that don't have any built in USB controller like 8051,ATmega32,MSP430G2553 etc. 

In that case we may have to use a USB to Serial Converter device like the one shown below.

interfacing atmega328p bare microcontroller with pc using C#

Here we are connecting the TX and RX pins of the Microcontroller to the RX and TX pins of the FT232 chip as shown in the above image.So data sent by the Microcontroller is transmitted to the PC .

Here we are using the USB2SERIAL (USB to Serial/RS232/RS485 Converter) which  is based on the popular FTDI FT232RL chip. 

The Converter we are using is well supported under Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. 

The USB2SERIAL can function as a USB to Serial converter with selectable logic voltage levels 5V and 3.3V for connecting to both 3V (Eg MSP430G2553) and 5V logic level microcontrollers (Eg ATmega328P).

buy USB2SERIAL (USB to Serial/RS232/RS485 Converter) which  is based on the popular FTDI FT232RL chip.


The USB2SERIAL converter can also be used as a USB to RS485 Converter to interface with RS485 enabled devices. 

It can also be configured as a USB to To RS232 converter to communicate with legacy RS232 enabled devices.


Displaying available Serial Ports 

When you are developing a C# application that needs to use the Serial Port (COM port for the Windows Users),it is convenient to get the name of the available serial ports in your system programmatically without looking up on the Device Manager.

The System.IO.Ports namespace provides a static method called GetPortNames() which returns the available serial ports on a computer. This method can be used to populate a drop down list with available serial ports when you are building a GUI app.

Here we will create a simple program that shows the available COM ports on a Windows 10/11 system. Make sure that  System.IO.Ports namespace is installed for your Visual Studio Project. 

The Partial Code is shown below. Full code available on GitHub repo.

//Partial code display available Serial Ports in a PC using C# 
String[] AvailableSerialPorts = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); // static method to get all the available serial ports on a system
Console.WriteLine("Available COM Ports on Windows\n");
foreach (String COMPort in AvailableSerialPorts)


Here we create a String array which receives names of COM Ports from the static Method SerialPort.GetPortNames();. Since this is a static method there is no need to create a serial port object.

The Port names are then displayed using a foreach loop on Console.

Here I have two Serial Port device's (Virtual COM Port)  connected to my USB Ports as seen on the Device Manager.

displaying serialport on device manager using C#

On Running the above code.

C# code for displaying all the connected serial ports on a Windows PC


Opening a Serial Port Connection using C#

To open a connection to a COM port or Serial Port using C# we have to instantiate a serial port object using the SerialPort class provided by the .NET Environment. 

This can be done by the following code.

SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort();

Once the SerialPort object COMPort is created ,We can then assign the required properties like port number, Baud Rate, Number of Stop Bits ,Parity, Number of Stop Bits etc.

First thing we are going to do is to assign a valid port number to our SerialPort Object. 

This can be done easily using the .PortName property which accepts a valid string of the type COMxx (Eg COM21).

COMPort.PortName = "COM3"; //Here COM3 is the serialport number in my system

Here COM3 is the serial port number in my system, it may be different in other systems.


Setting up BaudRate, Parity ,Data bits and Stop bits


setting up the baud rate for serial communication using C#

A basic serial communication between two devices have to agree on the following parameters for a successful data transfer .

They are

  1. Baud Rate
  2. Parity
  3. Data Bits
  4. Stop Bits

So we have to setup that in our C# program to successfully communicate with the Arduino.

Most commonly used setting is 9600 8N1 which means baud rate =9600,8 databits, No Parity, One Stop bit

Here standard baud rates are 1200,2400,4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400. 

You can configure the baud rate in your C# serial port program using the following line

COMPort.BaudRate = 9600; //any of the above legal values can be used


Setting up Parity Bit

A C# .NET serial port program supports the following parities EVEN,ODD,NONE,MARK and SPACE

Intellisense will show,  all the available parities as shown below.

how to set up parity bit in serial port using C# on dotnet platform


For most applications we will be using a NONE parity

Usually this values depend upon the device to which you will be communicating, So read the datasheet for setting up the correct parity. 

So our code will be 

COMPort.Parity = Parity.None; //NO Parity bits


Setting up Data Bits in C#

Data bits is the number of bits used to represent a single character that is send through the serial line. The Databits can be 8 bit wide or 9 bits wide.

Most commonly used is 8 bits .So 

COMPort.DataBits = 8;


Setting up Stop Bits in C#

Number of Stop bits can be  ONE or TWO.

Most commonly used is ONE. You can set it up using the StopBits enum 

how to set up the number of stop bits in C# for serial communication
COMPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; //One stop bit


Opening and Closing the Port 

Once we have configure every settings we can open the port using .Open() method.

The Open() method do not return any data so to check whether the port is open or not we can use the .isOpen property.The property is true if the port is open and false if the port is not open.

You can then close the port using the close() method.

opening and closing serial port on windows using C#  on .net

If you run the code 

how to check whether a serial port is open or close in C#


Please make sure that the Open() method is enclosed in a try catch block to handle unexpected exceptions which may arise while opening the serial port.

catch(Exception Ex)


Arduino Reset Issue

When you use the Open() Method ,the Arduino connected to the Serial port of your PC will get Reset. You should take that into account while coding.

This issue is specific for Arduino Only.

You can rectify it by adding a small delay after the Open() method.

COMPort.Open(); //Arduino gets reset
Thread.Sleep(1000)//Wait for 1 second
//Rest of the code below



Configuring the Serial Port using SerialPort Constructor 

You can also directly configure the serial port by giving the values through the constructor while creating the  COMPort  object.

The SerialPort Constructor accepts the following parameters.

SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort("Port_name",Baudrate,Parity,Databits, StopBits);

So you can configure the port in following ways.

SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort("COM3"); //Port name = COM3, rest will be default values
SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort("COM3",9600); //Port name = COM3 ,baudrate =9600 rest will be default values

and finally 

SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort("COM3",9600,Parity.None,8, StopBits.One);


Serial Port Exceptions in C# 

List of major exceptions you will encounter while opening the serial port in C# and how to mitigate it.

    COMPort.Open();     // Open the port
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException Ex)
  //Access is denied to the port
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException Ex)
  //Parity, DataBits,Baudrate are not valid values
catch (ArgumentException Ex)
   //The port name does not begin with \"COM\
catch (IOException Ex)
  //The port is in an invalid state
catch (InvalidOperationException Ex)
  //Port on the current instance of the SerialPort is already open


Reading Data from Serial Port using C# 

Now we will learn how to read the data send by an external device like Arduino from PC serial Port using C# SerialPort API. 

For testing this you need an Arduino or a Microcontroller board like ATmega328P,MSP430G2553 etc to send some data like a String "Hello to C# Serial Program from Arduino UNO" to PC Serial port.

Our C# code will read the string and display it on the Console.

For reading from the serial port ,the SerialPort Class provides multiple methods to read the received data from the input buffer of the serial port.

  • .ReadLine() - Read till you encounter a newline character(\n)

  • .Read()

  • .ReadByte() -Read a Single Byte 

  • .ReadChar()- Read a Single Character

The easiest one to use is the .ReadLine() method  which reads all the characters inside the receive buffer until it encounters a New Line Character (\n).

The method will not return ,if no NewLine character is encountered and a timeout happens, So we should sent a new line character from our Arduino or a Microcontroller for proper working of the code.


Clearing the Transmit/Receive Buffer in C#

You can clear the transmit and receive buffer of your PC 's Serial Port using the Following methods provided by the SerialPort class of C#.

  1. DiscardInBuffer() -This method clears all the data in the Receive Buffer of the Serial Port or Virtual COM port

  2. DiscardOutBuffer() -This method clears all the data in the Transmit Buffer of the Serial Port or Virtual COM port

This will help to remove any spurious character left from the previous transmission, So you can receive the data from Arduino Correctly.


Arduino to PC Serial Communication in C#

Arduino to Windows PC Serial port Communication in C# (Csharp)


Arduino Transmit Code 

Before running the C# program for receiving the data from the Arduino, You should upload the below code to your Arduino.

Make sure that baud rates match, here we are going to use 9600bps. You can find the full code on our GitHub. 

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps 8N1
void loop()
 char TextToSend[] = "Hello to C# Serial Program from Arduino UNO";
 Serial.println(TextToSend); // sends a \n with text

Here we are using Serial.println() which automatically sends a \n character (NewLine Character).

This makes the C# ReadLine() function return on the PC side.


C# Serial Port Reception Code (PC side) 

The below is a simplified code to receive Serial data send from the Arduino UNO using C# on the .NET Platform. 

This code runs on the PC side on Windows 10 or Windows 11 waiting for the Arduino to send the text string " Hello to C# Serial Program from Arduino UNO ".


//Simplified Code,Full code in GitHub Repo
//Change serial port number
public static void Main()
   SerialPort COMPort = new SerialPort("COM3", 9600, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
   COMPort.Open();     // Open the port,Arduino Resets here
   COMPort.DiscardInBuffer(); //Clears the input buffer of the serial port                   
   Thread.Sleep(1500); //wait for 1.5 second for Arduino to stabilize
   String RecievedText = COMPort.ReadLine(); // Read Data from SerialPort
   Console.WriteLine(RecievedText); //Display received data
   COMPort.Close(); // Close port

The code opens the serial port COM3 .this number may vary between system to system.

Then we clears the  Receive Buffer of the PC Serial Port using COMPort.DiscardInBuffer() to remove any unwanted characters still lingering in there from the last reception.

On Opening the  Serial Port ,The Arduino gets RESETed because of the changes in the serial port lines. So we use the  Thread.Sleep(1500) to pause the code here for 1.5 seconds.

We then use the COMPort.ReadLine(); to get the data send by the Arduino. The Arduino sends the Newline character(\n) which makes the ReadLine() method return.

String is displayed on the Command line .


C# Serial Port program running on Windows 11 receives data send from Arduino UNO



Setting up Serial Port Read timeouts in C# 

Some times the Serial Communication may get held up due to the transmitting device getting stuck or a myriad of other reasons. In these situations our WriteLine() method will wait for ever and hang up our serial port program.

To prevent this we need to set up Read Time Outs in Our C# Serial Port program. 

Read Timeouts will create an Exception (TimeoutException) after a specified time has elapsed.

Here is the Partial code for this, full code in Repo

//Partial code 
//Open Port,clear RX Buffer etc 
Thread.Sleep(1500); //wait for 1.5 second for Arduino to stabilize
COMPort.ReadTimeout = 2000; //Set Read Timeout for 2 seconds
   String RecievedText = COMPort.ReadLine(); // Read Data from SerialPort
   Console.WriteLine($" {RecievedText} ");    //Display received data                                       // 
catch (TimeoutException Ex)

Here we set up a 2 seconds timeout ,2000ms  using 

COMPort.ReadTimeout = 2000; //Set Read Timeout for 2 seconds

Now this will create a TimeoutException after 2 seconds if the ReadLine() does not return. So we will have to enclose the ReadLine() inside a try catch block to catch the exceptions.

On the Arduino side we will not be sending the /n character making the ReadLine() on the PC side wait for ever.

So when we run the code we will get the following result.

how to set up read time out exceptions in C# serial port programming



Writing data to the Serial Port using C# 

To write data into the Serial Port, C# SerialPort class provides two methods 

  1. Write() - Which writes a string to the Serial port without sending a \n character

  2. WriteLine() - Which writes a string to the Serial port along with a NewLine character (\n)

COMPort.Write("A"); //Send A 
COMPort.WriteLine("Hello"); // Hello+\n


PC to Arduino duplex Serial Communication in C#

Windows 11 to Arduino full duplex Serial Communication in C#


C# PC side Serial Transmission Code 

In our case , We will be using the Write() method to send characters like A,B etc .to an Arduino board connected to our PC's  Serial Port. 

So  we will send the character using Write () method and immediately listen to the serial port using COMPort.ReadLine(); to get back the characters from the Arduino.


COMPort.Write("A"); //send character A to Arduino 
String EchoedBack = COMPort.ReadLine(); //Switch back to listen on serialport to get data send by Arduino

EchoedBack = COMPort.ReadLine();

EchoedBack = COMPort.ReadLine();



Arduino Side Code 

On the Arduino side, the Arduino Receives the character and echo's back using a switch structure as shown below.

void loop()
 char ReceivedByte = 0;
     ReceivedByte =;
       case 'A': 
                 Serial.println("Arduino Received Charcter A");
       case 'B': Serial.println("Arduino Received Charcter B");
       default : Serial.print("Arduino Received Charcter ");

You can use this code to control devices from your computer using Serial Port and C#.

Screenshots of the program running  on Windows.

PC receiving data from ATmega328P microcontroller using SerialPort  and C#


Supported Microcontrollers

In this tutorial most of the codes are written for Arduino Platform.

Our GitHub Repo also contains codes written in Embedded C  for communicating with 

  1. MSP430G2553 Microcontroller
  2. and ATmega328P Micro Controller.


Controlling the RTS and DTR pins of Serial Port using C#

After reading and writing to the serial port, its time to play with the other pins of a serial port like DTR and RTS .

In Some USB to Serial Converters DTR and RTS pins are not available, only the RXD,TXD and Ground pins  are available outside.

In USB2SERIAL all 9 pins are brought outside to Screw terminals which you can easily access as shown below.

Controlling the RTS and DTR pins of Serial Port using C#


One use of RTS and DTR pins is used to control the RS485 chips during a USB to RS485 conversion.

When you have to control some thing over several 100's of meters ,RS232 or USB will not be suitable. In such cases we have to use RS485 protocol, one problem with RS485 is that most PC's / Laptops will not have an RS485 port. You can solve that problem by using USB to RS485 converters like USB2SERIAL .

In USB2SERIAL, RTS pin is used to put the RS485 chip in receive mode and DTR pin is used to put theRS485 chip in transmit mode.

Please note that in FT232 based USB to Serial converters (like USB2SERIAL) the RTS and DTR pins are inverted internally so setting the pins high will make then low and vice versa

The SerialPort Class in .NET have two properties called RtsEnable​ and DtrEnable enable to control the RTS and DTR pins respectively.

The code shown below will show you how to control the pins.

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
namespace SerialPort_Tutorial
   class SerialPort_Write
       static void Main(string[] args)
           SerialPort MyCOMPort = new SerialPort();
           MyCOMPort.PortName = "COM46";//name of serial ported
           MyCOMPort.Open();            // Open the port
           MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = true;  // RTS pin = 1 ,~RTS = 0
           Console.Read();              // Press any key
           MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = false; // RTS pin = 0 ,~RTS = 1
           MyCOMPort.DtrEnable = true;  // DTR pin = 1, ~DTR = 0
           MyCOMPort.DtrEnable = false; // DTR pin = 0, ~DTR = 1
           MyCOMPort.Close();             // Close port
       }//end of Main
   }//end of class
}//end of namespace

The RTS pin is set high using MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = true; and it is set low using MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = false;  .

Since the pins are inverted internally (in FT232)

  • Setting the RTS pin MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = true; will make the pin LOW and

  • Clearing the pin using MyCOMPort.RtsEnable = false;  will make it HIGH, same goes for DTR pin also.


Please note that the USB2SERIAL also has onboard LED's near the RS485 section to display the status of RTS and DTR lines used to control the RS485 chip.

Screenshot of the program executing on Windows

learn to  control the RTS and DTR pins of Serial port using C#