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how to Create GUI Tables in tkinter using Tableview Class from ttkbootstrap Library tutorial for beginners

In this  Python tutorial, We will learn how to create a table widget for displaying tabular data using Tkinter and ttkbootstrap GUI Library. 

Now Tkinter does not have a native widget class to create a table widget,so we will be using the Tableview class from  ttkbootstrap library to build our table widget.

building a table GUI in tkinter ttkbootstrap libary using python for displaying tabular data from databases or CSV files tutorial


We will also build a small app to add and delete rows from the table.

Tkinter App to Create and Delete Rows from Table

If you are new to ttkbootstrap library,




Source Codes





Installing ttkbootstrap

Now before you start ,you have to install the ttkbootstrap library using pip installer. This can be easily done by going to the command line and typing.

pip install ttkbootstrap
how to create a simple table in tkinter to dispaly tabular data using ttkbootstrap


You can use the pip list command to check whether the ttkbootstrap library is installed or not.


Creating Tables using Tableview Class

The ttkbootstrap.tableview.Tableview class in the ttkbootstrap library designed to create a table-like structure in your Tkinter application with modern styling.

Tableview class  allows you to display data in a tabular format. It behaves like a table, where each row represents a data entry, and each column represents a different field of that data entry. It inherits from the Frame class, so it behaves like a container widget in Tkinter. You can add Tableview to any other Tkinter widget, such as Window, Frame, or other containers.

The ttkbootstrap.tableview.Tableview class is built on top of the ttk.Treeview widget from Tkinter.The Treeview widget is a part of the ttk (Themed Tkinter) module, which allows for the creation of tree-like structures or tables. It can show hierarchical data, such as directories and files, or tabular data.

Major Features
  • A Tableview object has pagination option for displaying large datasets with 1000's of rows. The widget splits the datasets into multiple rows which will be loaded on demand when the user interacts with the page. This helps in fast loading of the datasets into your tkinter program offering a smooth experience.

  • All columns in the table are sortable. Clicking on a column header will toggle the sort order between "ascending" and "descending."

  • It also comes with a built in search function for searching through your datasets

Creating a Simple Table using Tableview

Now we will create a very simple table to display some data on a tkinter window.

import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.tableview import Tableview
from ttkbootstrap.constants import *
root   = ttk.Window()
root.title('Window Name') # Window Name
colors =
#Name of the Columns
column_headers = [ "Name" ,"Age"," Email"]
#Data to be added to the  rows
row_data = [
               ('John Doe',      28, ''),
               ('Jane Smith',    34, ''),
               ('Emily Johnson', 22, ''),
               ('Michael Brown', 41, ''),
               ('Sarah Davis',   29, ''),
#Creating the table           
data_table  = Tableview(
                        master     = root,
                        coldata    = column_headers,
                        rowdata    = row_data,
                        pagesize   = 5,
                        autofit    = True,
                        paginated  = True,
                        searchable = True,
                        bootstyle  = SUCCESS,
                        stripecolor = (colors.light, None),
data_table.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = YES, padx = 15, pady = 15)

On running this code we will get the following window.

creating a simple window using ttk and tkinter in python


Code Explanation


import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.tableview import Tableview
from ttkbootstrap.constants import *
root   = ttk.Window()
root.title('Window Name') # Window Name

Here we are  importing all the required modules and creating a window.

colors =

In ttkbootstrap, is used to access the color palette of the theme you're using for your application. The style.colors attribute provides a dictionary of predefined colors that are based on the Bootstrap color palette, which can be used for styling your widgets or UI elements.

This used to set color for the stripecolor attribute in Tableview


#Name of the Columns
column_headers = [ "Name" ,"Age"," Email"]
 defines the headers for the columns in the table

This defines the headers for the columns in the table. The table will display three columns: "Name", "Age", and "Email".

Another way for specifying Column headers is to use a list of dictionaries as shown below.Each dictionary contains keys and values that control how the column header is displayed and behaves.

column_headers = [
                   {"text": " Name" , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Age"  , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Email", "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},

"text"-> This key defines the text displayed in the header of the column. For Eg  "text": " Name" means the column header will show the text "Name".

The "stretch" key determines whether the column should expand to fill available space. If True, the column will expand to occupy any remaining space when the table is resized or when there is extra space available. If False, the column will not expand, and its size will remain fixed.

The "anchor" key specifies the alignment of the text within the column header.


#Data to be added to the  rows
row_data = [
               ('John Doe',      28, ''),
               ('Jane Smith',    34, ''),
               ('Emily Johnson', 22, ''),
               ('Michael Brown', 41, ''),
               ('Sarah Davis',   29, ''),

This is the actual data that will be displayed in the rows of the table. Each tuple contains the name, age, and email of a person.

#Creating the table           
data_table  = Tableview(
                        master     = root,
                        coldata    = column_headers,
                        rowdata    = row_data,
                        pagesize   = 5,     #5 rows /page
                        height     = 3,     #display only 3 rows out of 5 ,scroll down for the rest
                        autofit    = True,
                        paginated  = True,
                        searchable = True,
                        bootstyle  = SUCCESS,
                        stripecolor = (colors.light, None),

Here we create the actual table using Tableview().

  • coldata = column_headers: Passes the column headers to the table.

  • rowdata =row_data: Passes the actual data to the table.

  • pagesize = 5: Limits the number of rows displayed on a page to 5 (pagination).Here we only has 5 rows ,so all rows will be shown in the same page.

  • autofit=True: Automatically adjusts column width to fit the content.

  • paginated=True: Enables pagination, so only a fixed number of rows (5 in this case) are displayed at a time, and you can navigate through to enable pagination while displaying large data sets in tkinter tables


  • searchable =True: Adds a search bar to the table for filtering the to enable search function in tkinter window


bootstyle = SUCCESS: This sets the table's style to "SUCCESS," which is a pre-defined style in ttkbootstrap (usually green, indicating success).

The full list of styles can be found from the ttkbootstrap page

Make sure that all letters are in capital.

For bootstyle = DANGER:


For bootstyle = INFO:


stripecolor = (colors.light, None): This adds alternating row colors (striped rows) for better readability using the light color from the style's color palette.

The stripecolor option in ttkbootstrap is used to create striped rows in a widget like Tableview. This option allows you to define alternating row colors for better readability. In our case Odd numbered rows will be using the light colored palette.


data_table.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = YES, padx = 15, pady = 15)

fill = BOTH: This argument specifies how the widget should expand to fill the available space.BOTH means the widget will expand in both the horizontal (width) and vertical (height) directions. In other words, the data_table will fill the entire parent container (root window or frame) both horizontally and vertically.

You can also use:

  1. X          ->  Fill horizontally (width).
  2. Y          ->Fill vertically (height).
  3. NONE  -> Don't fill at all (default behavior).

expand = YES

This argument determines whether the widget should expand to take up any extra space available in the parent container. This is useful when you want your widget to adjust its size as the window or parent container is resized.

padx = 20:    adds horizontal padding (space) around the widget and pady adds vertical padding (space) around the widget. 



A very  exaggerated view of the effect of using pady =150 and padx =150

data_table.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = YES, padx = 150, pady = 150)


Adding a Record into the tkinter Table

To add a new record or row into the table you can use either the 

  1. insert_row( index, values=[]) -> For inserting Single Row 

  2. insert_rows(index, rowdata)   -> For inserting Multiple Rows 

Inserting a Single Row into the Table 

Here we will learn to insert a single row/record into our table using the insert_row() method provided by the ttkbootstrap.tableview.Tableview class.

Below Code shows the relevant bits for adding a single row to your table 

#add a single row into the table
#Partial code, Full Code in Github
column_headers = [
                   {"text": " Name"            , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Age"             , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Email"           , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
#Some original data                                 ]
row_data = [
               ('John Doe',      28, ''),
               ('Jane Smith',    34, ''),
#create table           
data_table  = Tableview( ...all the arguments )            
# add a single row 
new_row_data = ('New John Doe',280, '') # has to be a tuple ,not a list
#data_table.insert_row(index = 0,values = new_row_data)     #insert data to the first row row 0
data_table.insert_row(index = 'end',values = new_row_data)  #insert data to the last row ,index = 'end'
data_table.load_table_data() # call Tableview.load_table_data() to update the current view.
data_table.pack(..all the required arguments)

On running the code you will get the following output.

adding a single record to tkinter ttkbootstrap table view


new_row_data = ('New John Doe',280, '') # has to be a tuple ,not a list

First we create a tuple that corresponds to the column header of our table. This will be the row that we will be adding to our table.

data_table.insert_row(index = 'end',values = new_row_data)  #insert data to the last row ,index = 'end'

Here index corresponds to the position at which we will be inserting our record .Here index = 'end' which means record will be inserted at the end.

You can also give index = 0 to insert your row in the first row ,and index = 1 will insert data into the second row 

data_table.insert_row(index = 0,values = new_row_data)  #insert data to the first row ,index = 0
learn to insert a single row/record into our table using the insert_row() method provided by the ttkbootstrap.tableview.Tableview class.

After inserting the data we should call the 

data_table.load_table_data() call Tableview.load_table_data() to update the current view.

in order to update the current view other wise the table will not show the newly added  row.

Inserting Multiple Rows into the Table 

Inserting Multiple Rows is quite similar to the previous one ,Here we will be using the insert_rows(index, rowdata) method and we will need multiple tuples.

The Partial code is shown below.

# add a Multiple rows 
new_row_data = [('New John Doe 1 ',280, ''),
               ('New John Doe 2 ',380, ''),
               ('New John Doe 3 ',480, ''),
               ('New John Doe 4 ',580, ''),
               ]# has  a list
data_table.insert_rows(index = 0,rowdata = new_row_data)       #insert data to the first row row 0
#data_table.insert_rows(index = 'end',rowdata = new_row_data)  #insert data to the last row ,index = 'end'
data_table.load_table_data() # call Tableview.load_table_data() to update the current view.

On running this you will get 

Inserting Multiple Rows into the Table using tkinter ttkbootstrap


Removing a Record from the tkinter Table 

Deleting the rows from the table can be done by using delete_row (index ) method. Here index refers to the index of the row to be deleted.

data_table.delete_row(index = 0) #delete first row
data_table.delete_row(index = 1) #delete second row


Tkinter App to Create and Delete Rows from Table 

Now we will build a Simple tkinter/ttkbootstrap GUI app to add and delete records from a Table using the add_row() method and delete_row() method provided by the Tableview class.

Tkinter App to Create and Delete Rows from Table


The Partial code below creates a basic GUI application that uses ttkbootstrap and its Tableview widget to display, add, and delete rows of data. The purpose is to demonstrate how to add and delete records (rows) from a table in the GUI. Full Code is available on GitHub (link above)

def Add_Record_Button_Handler():
   # add a single row 
   new_row_data = ('New John Doe',280, '') # has to be a tuple ,not a list
   data_table.insert_row(index = 0,values = new_row_data)     #insert data to the first row row 0
   data_table.load_table_data()                               # call Tableview.load_table_data() to update the current view.
def Del_Record_Button_Handler():
   data_table.delete_row(index = 0) #Delete the first row
root   = ttk.Window()

colors =
column_headers = [
                   {"text": " Name"            , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Age"             , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
                   {"text": " Email"           , "stretch": True, "anchor": "center"},
row_data = [
               ('John Doe'    , 28, ''),
               ('Jane Smith'  , 34, ''   ),
               ('Sarah Davis' , 29, ''  ),
               ('David Wilson', 33, '' ),
               ('Linda Moore' , 38, ''  ),
               ('James Taylor', 25, '' ),
               ('Rachel Clark', 36, '' ),
Add_Record_Button    = ttk.Button(text = 'Add a Row '   ,command = Add_Record_Button_Handler, bootstyle = PRIMARY)
Delete_Record_Button = ttk.Button(text = 'Delete a Row ',command = Del_Record_Button_Handler, bootstyle = DANGER)

data_table  = Tableview(
                        master     = root,
                        coldata    = column_headers,
                        rowdata    = row_data,
                        pagesize   = 10,
                        height     = 10,
                        autofit    = True,
                        paginated  = True,
                        searchable = True,
                        bootstyle  = SUCCESS,
                        stripecolor = (colors.light, None),

data_table.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = NO, padx = 15, pady = 15)

Add_Record_Button.pack(pady =10)
Delete_Record_Button.pack(pady =10)


First we create a simple table and populate it with some data.

Then  we are using two buttons to Add and Delete Rows from a ttkbootstrap table as shown below

Add_Record_Button    = ttk.Button(text = 'Add a Row '   ,command = Add_Record_Button_Handler, bootstyle = PRIMARY)
Delete_Record_Button = ttk.Button(text = 'Delete a Row ',command = Del_Record_Button_Handler, bootstyle = DANGER)

Then inside the Button click Event handler we implement the  add_row() method and delete_row() method to add and delete records.

def Add_Record_Button_Handler():
   # add a single row 
   new_row_data = ('New John Doe',280, '') # has to be a tuple ,not a list
   data_table.insert_row(index = 0,values = new_row_data)     #insert data to the first row row 0
   data_table.load_table_data()                               # call Tableview.load_table_data() to update the current view.
def Del_Record_Button_Handler():
   data_table.delete_row(index = 0) #Delete the first row