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As an embedded designer, your task often involves crafting nimble programs to facilitate seamless communication with an array of devices, including data loggers ,data acquisition modules, Serial port monitors etc. Python emerges as the go-to language for engineers operating within the embedded domain, enabling the creation of such programs with ease. 

GUI data logging program created by Python and ttkbootstrap (tkinter)

While Python's native toolkit, tkinter, serves as a fundamental choice for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), its appearance may seem outdated to some. To address this, many opt for ttkbootstrap, a sleek and modern alternative. Not only does ttkbootstrap enhance the visual appeal of GUIs, but it also simplifies the development process compared to other GUI frameworks.

This tutorial is designed to get a Python novice  started quickly on using ttkbootstrap to create beautiful Python interfaces. Tutorial assumes that the reader has some experience with Python language

The tutorial teaches the following 


What is ttkbootstrap framework

Tkinter serves as Python's primary binding to the Tk GUI toolkit, offering a standardized interface for graphical user interfaces (GUIs) across Linux, Microsoft Windows, and macOS platforms. While Tkinter remains versatile and widely adopted, one notable drawback is its GUI elements' outdated appearance compared to other frameworks.

Enter ttkbootstrap – a theme extension designed specifically for Tkinter. By integrating ttkbootstrap, developers can imbue their Tkinter applications with sleek, modern flat-style themes inspired by Bootstrap.

ttkbootstrap comes packaged with a collection of beautifully styled light and dark themes, predefined styles for widgets, new gui widgets like Meter, DateEntry, and Floodgauge.You can see  the widgets below.

tkinter ttkbootstrap python tutorial for the absolute beginner


Source Codes


Install ttkbootstrap on Windows 



Make sure that python interpreter is installed on your system (Here our System is Windows ). 

You can use any Python interpreter, here we are using CPython that is available with Standard Python Distribution.

python tkinter bootstrap GUI tutorial for the absolute beginners

Make sure that you add Python interpretor (python.exe) to the path variable on Windows system during install.

You can see the available modules by using the pip command.PIP comes preinstalled with Python interpreter. 

On command line type

pip list

if ttkbootstrap not installed ,use PIP to install it using the below command.

 pip install ttkbootstrap
install ttkbootstrap on windows using pip


You can check ttkbooststrap installed or not by using pip list command 

short tutorialon how to use ttkbootstrap to build gui


Create a basic Window using ttkbooststrap

Here we will create a very basic window using ttkbooststrap (tkinter) and Python. Put the below code into your text editor,save it and run it.

import ttkbootstrap
root = ttkbootstrap.Window()

This will create a very basic window like the one below.

how to create abasic window using python and ttkbootstrap
  • You can control the size of the window using the root.geometry('widthxheight') method.
  • You can add a title to the Window using root.title('your title for the Window') method.


root.mainloop() is simply a method in the main window that executes what we wish to execute in an application . This  will loop forever until the user exits the window or waits for any events from the user. The mainloop automatically receives events from the window system and deliver them to the application widgets. This gets quit when we click on the close button of the title bar

You can set the theme of the Window using keyword themename

root = ttkbootstrap.Window(themename = 'superhero') # theme = superhero


#root = ttkbootstrap.Window(themename = 'cosmo')

Names of various pre-installed themes can be found in the ttkbootstrap website.

Now the full code is below

import ttkbootstrap
root = ttkbootstrap.Window(themename = 'litera')  # select theme
root.geometry('400x900')                          # widthxheight
root.title('My ttkbootstrap Window')              # name of window

You can use alias to shorten the ttkbootstrap

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

then program becomes

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb              #alias to shorten  ttkbootstrap to ttkb
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera') # ttkbootstrap.Window() to ttkb.Window()
root.geometry('400x900') # widthxheight
root.title('My ttkbootstrap Window')

Disable/Enable the Maximize Button on tkinter window


How to disable the maximize button on the window in tkinter(ttkbootstrap)


Here we will learn how to control the resize property of the tkinter/ttkbootstrap window.

In some cases we don't want the user of our application maximizing the application window.We can disable the maximize button on the window by calling the .resizable(x_axis,y_axis) method. It takes two arguments to disable or enable resize function in x or y axis.

root.resizable(0,0) #Disable resizing in all directions,Maximize button disabled
root.resizable(1,0) #Enable Resize in X direction only 
                    #Disable resizing y direction only
root.resizable(0,1) #Disable Resize in X direction only 
                    #Enable resizing y direction only


Detect and Handle Window Close Button Event in tkinter


  1. Occasionally, it becomes necessary to notify the user when they attempt to close a tkinter/ttkbootstrap window by pressing the close button, allowing them to reconsider their action.
  2. Sometimes we may need to close connection to file objects or database connections when the user presses the close button on the window.


So to do these things we may need to intercept and capture the Window Close Button Event in  tkinter/ttkbootstrap  framework and handle it our self.

When you press the close button on a tkinter window. the destroy() method of that window is called. 

Tkinter supports a mechanism called protocol handlers. Here, the term protocol refers to the interaction between the application and the window manager. 

The most commonly used protocol is called WM_DELETE_WINDOW, and is used to define what happens when the user explicitly closes a window using the window manager.

You can use the protocol method to install a handler for this protocol. The code below shows how to do it 

#Python code for Detect and Handle Window Close Button Event in tkinter/ttkbootstrap
import ttkbootstrap as ttkb
def custom_exit_handler():
    print ('You Clicked Exit Button')
    #add custom code here 
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x900')                # widthxheight
root.title('My ttkbootstrap Window')
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", custom_exit_handler)

Here when you press the Close Button, 

custom_exit_handler() function is called,a message is printed to terminal and the window is destroyed. You can add your custom code in that function before the window is destroyed.


Creating and Using Labels in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x400')                # widthxheight

My_Label = ttkb.Label(text = "Hello World")


Here, a label widget is created using the Label class provided by ttkbootstrap. The text displayed on the label is set to "Hello World".


This line packs the label into the window. Packing is a way to organize widgets within a container in tkinter.

Creating and Using Labels in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

Here the Label is placed at the center ,since we are using .pack() method.

If you need precise and absolute placement you can use the .place() method as shown below.

My_Label = ttkb.Label(text = "Hello World"),y=300)  
how to place ttkbootstrap/tkinter in absolute cordinates using .place method

You can also change the size and type of font on the Labels using 

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x200')                # widthxheight

My_Label_1 = ttkb.Label(text = "Helvetica       15",font = ('Helvetica',15)      ).place(x=10,y=10) 
My_Label_2 = ttkb.Label(text = "Ariel           15",font = ('Ariel',15)          ).place(x=10,y=40)  
My_Label_3 = ttkb.Label(text = "Times New Roman 15",font = ('Times New Roman',15)).place(x=10,y=80) 
My_Label_4 = ttkb.Label(text = "Comic Sans MS   15",font = ('Comic Sans MS',15)  ).place(x=10,y=120)
My_Label_5 = ttkb.Label(text = "Courier New     15",font = ('Courier New',15)    ).place(x=10,y=160)

various fonts and fontsize displayed on tkinter/ttkbootstrap label

You can also use built in styles using bootstyle keyword.

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x200')                # widthxheight
My_Label_1 = ttkb.Label(text = "Helvetica       15",bootstyle = 'primary',font = ('Helvetica',15)      ).place(x=10,y=10) 
My_Label_2 = ttkb.Label(text = "Ariel           15",bootstyle = 'warning',font = ('Ariel',15)          ).place(x=10,y=40)  
My_Label_3 = ttkb.Label(text = "Times New Roman 15",bootstyle = 'danger' ,font = ('Times New Roman',15)).place(x=10,y=80) 
My_Label_4 = ttkb.Label(text = "Comic Sans MS   15",bootstyle = 'success' ,font = ('Comic Sans MS',15)  ).place(x=10,y=120)
My_Label_5 = ttkb.Label(text = "Courier New     15",bootstyle = 'dark'    ,font = ('Courier New',15)    ).place(x=10,y=160)
ttkbootstrap lael showing various styles tutorial



You can also change the colour of the text on the Label using the foreground property as shown below.

MyLabel1 = ttkbootstrap.Label( text = 'Ariel',          font=('Ariel',20),          foreground = 'red'   )
MyLabel2 = ttkbootstrap.Label( text = 'Times New Roman',font=('Times New Roman',20),foreground = 'blue'  )
MyLabel3 = ttkbootstrap.Label( text = 'Comic Sans MS',  font=('Comic Sans MS',20),  foreground = 'green' )


Creating and Using Buttons in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

Button can be created using the following command.

button_1 = ttkb.Button(text = 'Click Me',command = button_1_handler)

To make the button do something we have to define a handler function and give its name to the command keyword argument.

def button_1_handler():
   print('You Clicked Me')

So when you click the button button_1_handler() will be called and  the statements inside it will run. Here it will just print a method to the command line.

Full code below.

#Python tkinter/ttkbootstrap code for Creating and Using Buttons 

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

def button_1_handler():
   print('You Clicked Me')
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x200')                # widthxheight

#create button 
button_1 = ttkb.Button(text = 'Click Me',command = button_1_handler),y=20)


Output of running the code.

Creating and Using Buttons in tkinter/ttkbootstrap


Creating and Using Entry Box Widget in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

Entry box is a tkinter/ttkboostrap widget that is used to get input from the user.

You can create an entry widget by

My_Entry = ttkb.Entry()

this will create an entry box to which you can write text or numbers.

The entered data can be retrieved using the .get() method.

Entered_data = My_Entry.get()

You can put the  .get() method  inside a button handler to get the entered data when you press a button as shown below.

# ttkbootstrap Entry Widget
import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

def button_1_handler():
   print(f'You Typed in {My_Entry.get()}')
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'superhero') # theme = superhero

#Create Entry Widget 
My_Entry = ttkb.Entry()
My_Entry.insert(0,'Enter some data')
My_Entry.pack(pady = 20)

#Create Button
button_1 = ttkb.Button(text = 'Click Me',command = button_1_handler)

You can print a default text into the entry box to prompt the user to do some thing.

My_Entry.insert(0,'Enter some data')
Creating and Using Entry Box Widget in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

On running the code ,you can see the value entered printed to command line when you press the button.

Creating and Using Entry Box Widget in tkinter/ttkbootstrap


Creating and Using Drop Down Combo boxes in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

Drop down combo boxes are used to  present users with a list of options from which they can select one or more items for example baud rate for serial communication or serial ports. You can use the Combobox class in ttkbootstrap to create drop down comboxes.

At first we have to create a list of items that are used to populate the drop down menu.

options = ['1200','2400','4800','9600'] #create Dropdown options

then we create the Combobox and place it inside the window using the .pack() method. You can also use .place().

You have to pass your drop down items list to the the keyword argument values

#create Combobox
my_combo = ttkb.Combobox(values = options) # Pass options list to combobox
my_combo.pack(pady = 50)                   # pady = 50,place it 50 units from top

when the user selects an item from combobox, the combo box will generate the '<<ComboboxSelected>>' virtual event. To handle this event ,we have to bind the combobox  to a handler function.

my_combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',combobox_selected_handler) # bind the combobox

so when the user selects an item, combobox_selected_handler() function will be called and you can get the selected value using the my_combo.get() method.

def combobox_selected_handler(e):
    print(e)                                #prints the virtual event              
    print(f'You selected {my_combo.get()}') #my_combo.get() get the selected value     

Full code below

#Python tkinter/ttkbootstrap code for Creating and Using Drop Down Combo boxes
import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

options = ['1200','2400','4800','9600'] #create Dropdown options

def combobox_selected_handler(e):
    print(f'You selected {my_combo.get()}')
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x200')                # widthxheight

#create Combobox
my_combo = ttkb.Combobox(values = options)
my_combo.pack(pady =50)
my_combo.current(3)#set the default value on combobox
my_combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>',combobox_selected_handler)#bind the combobox


Output of the code 

Python tkinter/ttkbootstrap code for Creating and Using Drop Down Combo boxes



Creating and Using Scrollable Text Box (ScrolledText) in tkinter/ttkbootstrap

ScrolledText is a multiline textbox available in kinter/ttkbootstrap with vertical and horizontal scrollbars.

To use the ScrolledText box we need to import the required classes from tkinter/ttkbootstrap.

from tkinter import *
from ttkbootstrap.scrolled import ScrolledText # import the scrolled text box 
                                               # ttkbootstrap.scrolled.ScrolledText 

now you can create the text box 

my_text = ScrolledText(root,height = 10,width = 200,wrap = WORD,autohide = True)
my_text.pack(pady = 20,padx =20)

Full code 

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb
from tkinter import *
from ttkbootstrap.scrolled import ScrolledText # import the scrolled text box 
                                              # ttkbootstrap.scrolled.ScrolledText
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'litera')
root.geometry('400x200')                # widthxheight
my_text = ScrolledText(root,height = 10,width = 200,wrap = WORD,autohide = True)
my_text.pack(pady = 20,padx =20)

When you run the code .

Creating and Using Scrollable Text Box (ScrolledText) in tkinter/ttkbootstrap


You can add text to the ScrolledText text box in ttkbootstrap by

my_text.insert(END,'Helloo,type something\n')# add text
how to insert text into ScrolledText text box in python tkinter/ttkbootstrap
Change Font Type / Font Size 

You can also change the type and size of font that appears on the ScrolledText text box in tkinter/ttkbootstrap.

# Define the font family and font size
font_family = 'Comic Sans MS'
font_size = 25
my_text = ScrolledText(root,height = 10,width = 100,wrap = WORD,autohide = True,font=(font_family, font_size))
my_text.insert(END,f'Helloo World in Comic Sans \n')# add text
how to change the type and size of font that appears on the ScrolledText text box in tkinter/ttkbootstrap


can also change the type and size of font that appears on the ScrolledText text box in tkinter/ttkbootstrap.


Read the input text from ScrolledText box

You can also read the text written inside the ScrolledText box and use it as a input entry box, this helpful when you have to take in a large volume of text .

my_text = ScrolledText(root,height = 10,width = 100,wrap = WORD,autohide = True)
text = my_text.get('1.0',END) #get all the text from the ScrolledText widget

The first part, '1.0' means that the input should be read from line one, character zero (ie: the very first character).
END is an imported constant which is set to the string "end".

The END part means to read until the end of the text box is reached.
The only issue with this is that it actually adds a newline to our input. So, in order to fix it we should change END to end-1c.

 The -1c deletes 1 character, while -2c would mean delete two characters, and so on.


Here is a an example of how it works.

#read text from ScrolledText
from tkinter import *
import ttkbootstrap as ttkb
from ttkbootstrap.scrolled import ScrolledText
import tkinter as tk
def button_1_handler():
   text = my_text.get('1.0',END) #get all the text from the ScrolledText widget
root = ttkb.Window(themename = 'superhero') # theme = superhero
my_text = ScrolledText(root,height = 10,width = 100,wrap = WORD,autohide = True)
my_text.pack(pady = 20)
#create button 
button_1 = ttkb.Button(text = 'Read All Text',command = button_1_handler).pack(pady = 20)

when you press the button ,the program reads all text entered in ScrolledText box and prints it on the command line.


How to read the text written inside the ScrolledText box and use it as a input entry box,

Displaying images on tkinter /ttkbootstrap Window