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A Quick & Easy Introduction to Python GUI design using ttkbootstrap and tkinter

As an embedded designer, your task often involves crafting nimble programs to facilitate seamless communication with an array of devices, including data loggers ,data acquisition modules, Serial port monitors etc. Python emerges as the go-to language for engineers operating within the embedded domain, enabling the creation of such programs with ease. 

Data Logging Arduino Serial Port data to sqlite3 database using Python

In this Tutorial, We will build an Arduino based Multi channel data acquisition system that will log sensor data to a SQLite 3 database using Python.

Compared to MySQL or Maria DBMS ,SQLite is a server less, self-contained database engine that operates as a library within the application. This makes it suitable for embedded systems like raspberry pi and scenarios where a separate database server is not practical. It is ideal for single user and cross platform use.

Isolated USB Multifunction Data Acquisition System (DAQ) with Relays

ISO-USB4CRL is a Low cost PC based USB multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) and control device which combines common I/O, including analog input, Digital I/O,Relays into a single form factor to help reduce complexity and meet multiple system requirements at the same time providing full electrical isolation to protect your PC/Laptop.

The system can be used as

Build your own Data Acquisition and Logging System to CSV file using Python and Arduino

python serial port data logging with timestamp to csv on windows and linux

In this tutorial,We will build a low cost multi channel data acquisition and logging system using Python & Arduino UNO board that will log and save data to  a CSV (Comma Separated Values) text file on the disk.