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  • Buy cheap DIN rail mountable Isolated USB to Serial (TTL) /RS232/RS485 converter from India Bangalore(Bengaluru)

    ISO-USB2SERIAL V2.1 is a industrial grade isolated USB to Serial (TTL) /RS232/RS485 converter with ESD protected serial interfaces. Ideal for protecting the sensitive USB inputs of the PC/Laptop from industrial high voltage transients that may couple into the RS485 /RS232 lines.

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  • buy industrial grade Ft232 usb to serial rs232 rs485 converter in India with FT232 breakout Board with Screw terminals

    USB2SERIAL V3.0 is a FT232 based protocol converter which can be used as USB to Serial(5V/3.3V)/RS232/RS485 converter

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Beginning .NET Platform software development using .NET SDK CLI tools

In this tutorial, 

We will learn how to create a console, WinForm or WPF project ,compile ,run and publish the project as a single standalone executable for various platforms like Linux, Windows or macOS using the command line tools provided by the .NET SDK

Running Periodic background tasks in tkinter (ttkbootstrap) using .after() method

Here we will learn to use the .after() method from tkinter(ttkbootstrap) method to automatically update the tkinter GUI  widgets like Labels, Textboxes at regular intervals without user intervention to create a responsive and usable GUI that can multitask effectively without freezing.

Simple Python tkinter (ttkbootstrap) GUI interface for serial port communication with Arduino

In this tutorial ,We will learn to build a simple crossplatform GUI based serial port communication with Arduino Microcontroller using Python and tkinter (ttkbootstrap).To make the interface look nice we will use the theme extension for tkinter called ttkbootstrap which provides modern flat style themes.

A Short introduction to Python GUI design using ttkbootstrap and tkinter

As an embedded designer, your task often involves crafting nimble programs to facilitate seamless communication with an array of devices, including data loggers ,data acquisition modules, Serial port monitors etc. Python emerges as the go-to language for engineers operating within the embedded domain, enabling the creation of such programs with ease.